Yin Yoga for Samana Prana and Releasing Your Core core prana samana prana Sep 17, 2024

Samana Prana is one of the 5 subtypes of Prana (Prana is our life force or energy)

Samana Prana is the life force in our belly. It gets disturbed by cesarean section, other kinds of abdominal surgery, sexual trauma, emotional abuse and digestive distress. 

This class helps to release tension...

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The Quiet Mind is Calling Nov 14, 2023

It's been a few days since I have formally meditated. This is highly unusual for me, and I am working on not beating myself up or turning it into a sign that there's something wrong with me.

Has this ever happened to you?

Or has it been years since you've meditated and you're struggling to get...

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Protein Powder and Smoothie Recipes Aug 10, 2023

Hi everyone!

A student recently asked me for a recommendation about protein powder. There are SO many options out there to choose from - I understand it may be hard to choose!

I have tested many of the organic options and can highly recommend two different ones - depending on which flavor you...

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What's the difference between yin yoga and restorative yoga? Aug 06, 2023

One of my students, Katie Probst, wrote this beautiful article years ago about the difference between yin yoga and restorative yoga. I hope you enjoy reading, and find it helpful...

What's the difference between yin yoga and restorative yoga?

-by Katie Probst

To an outside observer yin yoga and...

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4 Reasons to Release Your Pelvic Floor Mar 21, 2023
Many of you have told me about your struggles with pelvic floor pain over the years. Sadly, it's very common!
But others may not have pain ... and not know why it matters to still release the pelvic floor on a regular basis.
Here are 4 reasons to be brave and release your...
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Seasonal Affective Disorder anxiety depression sadness tired winter yin yoga Nov 19, 2022

Hi everyone,

On the east coast of the US, where I live, the days are getting shorter and many of us are starting to feel the effects of less daylight.

The yin yoga sequence at the end of this blog post will bolster our inner light and hold space for the difficult feelings that naturally come up...

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How to get out of your head anxiety downward upward yin yoga Nov 19, 2022

Hi everyone,

If you're like billions of other people, you spend most of your day thinking.

Thinking serves us human beings SO well.

But too much thinking, especially without conscious movement breaks, can cause anxiety, headaches, and digestive distress. 

Through the yin yoga poses to...

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The Vagus Nerve anxiety vagus nerve yin yoga Nov 09, 2022

I love analogies. They help me understand complex and subtle topics so that I can feel more clear about a subject.

When it comes to the human body, there's SO much going on that it can be hard to understand what the heck is happening in there?!?!

Here's an analogy I came up with...

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Practice for Yourself. Practice for the World. anxiety healing wellbeing yin yoga Nov 09, 2022

Learning how to heal our anxiety is crucial - for our own health and wellbeing, as well as for the health and wellbeing of our children.

There is so much to be anxious about.

But thankfully, there are time-tested, holistic, and effective ways to work with anxiety.

All is not lost.

We are lucky...

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Befriend your anxiety with this yin yoga sequence acceptance anxiety love yin yoga Nov 09, 2022

What does it mean to befriend our anxiety?  I think it's natural to want anxiety to go away, right?

However - the only way to heal anxiety is to feel it.  To feel something, or relate to something, you have to have a friendly attitude toward it.

No more calling it "bad" or...

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Silence is the mother of invention meditation retreats silence Oct 18, 2022

You've probably heard that *other* proverb that comes from Plato (around 380 B.C.) that says "necessity is the mother of invention." 

But I disagree. I think SILENCE is the mother of invention.

I've seen over and over again that if I meditate or do yin yoga in a way where I...

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Wash away anxiety with this yin yoga sequence anxiety brain lymphatic fluid yin yoga Oct 15, 2022

There are so many wonderful, unique ways of working with anxiety in a holistic way.

Yin yoga is my personal favorite because of how it activates the right brain and can increase the flow of lymph around the entire brain. 

In the sequence below you'll see a list of 6 yin yoga postures that...

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