30 hour Meditation Teacher Training


Dates: January 5 - March 22
Times: Fridays 7-9pm
Location: In-person in Doylestown, PA or online


Meditation may be the single most effective way of calming the mind, healing trauma and freeing ourselves from destructive behavior. But knowing how good meditation is for you doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s hard to practice at home on a regular basis. If you feel like meditation is a chore or feel guilty when you skip your practice, you’re in for a real treat. This somatic meditation teacher training is designed to give you all the tools you need to meditate with more ease, intuition, and enjoyment - and then share the fruits of your practice with others. 


The style of meditation that you’ll learn is called somatic meditation, which is notably different than breath meditation, mantra meditation and mindfulness meditation. You’ll learn a whole new way of looking at your practice that is body-focused and deeply nourishing on every level. Join Sally for this immersive, revelatory experience. You’ll fall in love with meditation in ways you never thought possible. 


Here's what you'll learn:


  • 12 somatic meditation techniques that release tension and heal trauma
  • How to teach the 12 somatic meditation practices to others 
  • Why other styles of meditation sound good but often don't stick
  • How to meditate regularly with fewer distractions and less guilt
  • How to stay consistent with your meditation practice at home, even when your life is extremely busy
  • How yin yoga compliments meditation in profound ways and makes your practice infinitely more comfortable
  • How to feel your feelings without judgment and make space for difficult emotions inside yourself
  • How to be present with others and listen without giving unsolicited advice (so helpful for all different kinds of relationships.. work, family, intimate relationships, and friendships)
  • How somatic meditation makes you unbelievably patient - even in the car and at the grocery store.


This training is open to anyone with at least 2 years of yoga or meditation experience (from any tradition). No prior teaching experience is required. The meditation practices that you learn can be shared in yoga classes, schools, offices or one-on-one environments with people of all ages and backgrounds.


Your personal meditation practice is sure to deepen as a result of this training. You’ll also have the opportunity to practice teaching meditation to your peers. The practice teaching exercises are completely optional. Everyone is welcome to participate whether they plan to teach or not.

$375.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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