1-hour on-demand yin yoga class
Do you slouch? Does your upper back hurt? Are you collapsed through the front of your chest and know that there's some healing your heart needs to do? If so, this class is for you.
Sally will guide you through 1-hour of gentle yin yoga postures and somatic meditation for bringing your heart forward and broadening your chest.
Rather than just trying to "sit up straight" in a rigid and stiff way, you'll deeply release the tension in your pectoralis muscles (front of the chest) and erector spinea (all along the spine). This makes maintaining a healthy upright posture possible in the first place!
As a bonus, you'll be guided through an exercise called wall angels that helps to strengthen the rhomboids and lower traps and correct forward head posture.
This class is also great for anyone who loves yin yoga and wants to lead more from their heart, rather than from their head.
After your purchase, you'll immediately receive an email with a link to view the recording.
The recording never expires, and you can watch the class over and over again as many times as you'd like.
You have it for life.