Yin Yoga for the IT Band and the Knees

1-hour on-demand yin yoga class

The IT band is a thick piece of fascia or connective tissue that connects the outer hip to the outer knee on each leg.

Many people have tried massage for their IT band or foam rolling at the gym, but this class takes IT band self care to a whole other level.

Sally will show you how to slowly, gently, and deeply release the stiffness in your IT band using 2 yoga therapy balls and a foam roller. 

Get ready for a very deep and rejuvenating class!

You’ll need 2 yoga therapy balls and a foam roller. If you’re not sure where to get these props, please visit the props page here.

After your purchase, you'll immediately receive an email with a link to view the recording. 

The recording never expires, and you can watch the class over and over again as many times as you'd like.

You have it for life. 

$20.00 USD