Yin Yoga for Stress

Yin yoga is one of the most powerful habits you can develop for combating stress. On a scientific level, it can help us completely disrupt the body’s stress response, and this dynamite class will show you how. 

Stress is a universal human experience. Our bodies evolved this physiological response to protect us in life-threatening situations.  

The problem? In our modern world, the body can get confused. It can mistake safe situations for unsafe ones. Things like job interviews, exams, public speaking, traffic jams, and interpersonal conflict can all accidentally trigger this response. 

That's because the body's stress response is a fail-safe threat detection system that completely overrides any human's conscious control. 

The good news? While we can’t prevent our bodies from experiencing stress, with practice, we can learn how to notice when we're in this state. Then we can do things to help our body recognize we are safe.  

In this 1-hour practice, Sally will teach you a series of yin yoga postures you can use to help your body recognize you're safe. You’ll learn how to invite your body to exit a stress response. 

By the end of this class, you're going to be stunned by how different your body and mind will feel! 

For this class, you'll need a yoga therapy ball, one block, and a foam roller.  

Once you purchase this class, you'll have access to the recording forever and be able to watch it over and over again as many times as you'd like. The class is accessible for all levels, including beginners.  

$20.00 USD